break in....


Pagi ari ni, rumah MIL dimasuki pencuri....sejak 80 tahun lebih usianya inilah pertama kali rumah dimasuki orang. Tapi syukur alhamdullilah x de apa yang ilang.... cuma kain-baju berselerakan keluar dari almari...x sempat lak nak ambk gambar...kan jadi macam csi lak cari bukti kemasukan orang tadi....apa yang nyata...4 keping dinding dikopak untuk masuk ke rumah....seronok diaorang dok selongkar malam tadi sbb x berpenghuni....Luckily MIL slept over at her daughter place next door..kalu idak x tau apa yg jadi...

So for lunch, just masak Sotong masak Kari ....gambar i think we can just picture how its look like... simple curry stufff with extra veggie such brinjals, lady fingers fyi pluck from my garden its soooo sweet.... fresh from the gargen into the from any pesticide khi....khi...khi... and for the recipe....normal....everyone can make it....n can be found at any other cooking like CMG blogs or website... i'm just too lazzzzzyyyyy to type or CnP from others....

As for my tiny..i'll post it later...macam ada yang nak tengok tak....

I guess that's all 4 2day...till then



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