RECYCLE... REUSE.... REDUCE...sunday ramblings

Salam....its sunday again...

Well sure everyone has a wonderful breakfast for me kedai mari breakfast of nasi lemak/ roti canai/ lontong (all for the family of six)....since the whole family mine spending the night at MIL's house...

So for for the topics above
here some picture that will tell the story..

Here it is, my limau purut...see that new branches of young bigger leaves than what the bottle doing next to do it???...well i'm not an agent of 100 plus but ...... REUSE the empty bottle to water my plant...instead of watering my plant twice daily..i'll just fill the bottle with water and even add some liquid fertiliazer to nourish the plant and put it upside down a bit slanting and water will flow bit by bit through a tiny hole poke in the lid of the give it peep at least once every 2 days to refill the bottle...
tadaa...i've a helper to water the plant the pic below

another usage of an empty bottle is
 refill your dish liquid detergent bought in a packet rather than buying another bottle to purposely to fill the detergent with might as well use the bottle...technique use same as the above...see picture below it....

(just  ignore the background)

simply use your kitchen scissor to poke hole small enough to let the liquid for me it somehow save me RM 1.00 from buying dish liquid in its original bottle that cost me RM4.00 +++ compare than in a packet less a dollar for it...and one more thing remember to take off the label from the bottle as not to let kids to mistaken it for a real drinking water and put where it belong to next to dish washing sink.....

well its not that brilliant idea but somehow i can recycle the use of empty bottle from being sold or even been thrown away... reuse it..well each and everyone of us has responsibility in taking some baby steps in preventing the global warming from getting worse....its for the future generation to breathe fresh air ALLAH SWT provide us.

That's for my sunday ramblings on REUSE RECYCLE REDUCE..



ma'chiks said…
salam, bagus topic reuse recycle ni..great idea, i likee..

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