...... BERSIARAN DI TAHUN 2018....


          Hai ....lama menyepikan diri di alam maya....bukan apa... with all the new media social coming in...sampai tak terkejar ....nak guna platform yang sesuai untuk diri sendiri....with IGs...Twitter i'm not into that ...and the world becoming smaller and smaller...with all info just at the click of your finger tips....just want to wish "SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDIL FITRI 2018" if there's still people reading or passing by my blog (ada ker yang singgah ??????)  ITS BETTER LATE THAN NEVER...THANKS A LOT FOR THAT...

Banjir di hadapan Mydin Bandar Jasin......

"Apalah si kecik ni dok dalam bakul sekali ...nak kena ni....grrrrr ...nak tido pun tak dapat"

Itulah jer....till next time insyallah kalau tak malas nak update adalah....


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